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(202) 833-4910

Travel Insurance

Every trip you take, we’ll be there with you

Our AFSPA commitment to “Caring for your health worldwide” takes on heightened urgency when it comes to protecting you while traveling in the U.S. or overseas. Our travel insurance options are designed to ensure the peace of mind that comes with being protected just in case anything goes wrong.

Enroll anytime!

Travel Assistance International (TAI)

Designed to cover one-time trips

How do I enroll?

Click here to enroll, to receive a quote, or speak directly with a plan representative.

Questions? Send us a secure message here and we’ll get back to you. 

Travel Emergency Network (TEN)

For frequent travel and for those who do not require medical coverage

How do I enroll?

Click here to enroll, to receive a quote, or speak directly with a plan representative. Questions? Send us a secure message here and we’ll get back to you.

Forms & Brochures

Wander Frequent Traveler

An annual plan with comprehensive medical and evacuation coverage

Note: Wander Frequent Traveler plan is not available for residents of Maryland, Washington, New York, South Dakota and Colorado.

How do I enroll?

Click here to apply, to receive a quote, or speak directly with a plan representative. Questions? Send us a secure message here and we’ll get back to you.

RoundTrip International

Comprehensive travel benefit package when traveling outside of your home country

How do I enroll?

Click here to enroll, to receive a quote, or speak directly with a plan representative. Questions? Send us a secure message here and we’ll get back to you.

Recent Blog Posts

Foreign Service Benefit Plan

National Cancer Prevention Month: Steps to Reduce Your Risk

According to the American Cancer Society, 40% of cancer causes and 44% of cancer-related deaths are linked to potentially modifiable risks. What does that mean? It means that while genetics plays a significant role in cancer diagnosis and cancer-related deaths, linking it to preventable lifestyle changes can make a huge difference.

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Foreign Service Benefit Plan

It’s Time for a Heart-to-Heart About Heart Health

When thinking about the month of February, images of heart-shaped balloons, cards, candy, decorations, and more may come to mind. With heart-shaped items everywhere, focusing on your real heart is important. February is American Heart Month, and with heart disease being the leading cause of death in the United States (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute), it needs to be taken seriously.  

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