Join us for a Live Q&A session on September 29 at 11:00 AM ET.
We’ll be talking about life insurance and financial wellness with special guest from Prudential, Nina Matias. You won’t want to miss this conversation!
Here are 3 ways to ask a question at the AFSPA Live Q&A Session:
- Ask a live question on the show. Complete this form (https://forms.office.com/r/m4Uszy10A6) and we’ll email you the link to enter our AFSPA Live show on September 29 to ask your question ‘live.’
- Ask your question(s) in our social media. If you’re on social media, “like, follow, and/or subscribe” to our social channels on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. We’ll be streaming AFSPA Live on each platform on September 29 at 11 am ET.
- Call a toll-free number and leave a voicemail with your question. You can send your question(s) to us in advance, and it will be answered on the live show. Call 1-888-435-0757 to leave a voicemail message with your question(s). In your message, tell us your name, where you’re calling from, and state your question(s).
Watch the Live show here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSEpV_Tw8uM
Listen to previous podcast episodes here: https://www.afspa.org/podcast/#afspatalks-season8