
Top Health Concerns for Men

June is Men’s Health Month. Men often avoid the doctor or find it unnecessary to check on their health. Societal norms also discourage men from openly discussing their health concerns, leading to delayed diagnosis and inadequate preventive care. AFSPA hopes to encourage men to take charge of their health this month!

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Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth as a Parent

Now more than ever, LGBTQ+ youth need support they might not receive in school or elsewhere. As a parent, you may become the only supportive figure in their lives. It is vital that you become an advocate and ally for the LGBTQ+ community for your child.

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Menopause, Changing Hormones, and Depression

Women go through many physical changes as they age. Around their 40’s and 50’s, women typically begin to experience the stages of menopause. Menopause is the end of reproduction for a woman, but the process can be long and can include bothersome symptoms.

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The Youth Mental Health Crisis

The suicide rate for ages 10-19 rose 40% from 2001 to 2019. Murthy states that mental health is “the defining public health crisis of our time.” May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we are taking a closer look at adolescents and their relationship to mental health.

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Autism Spectrum Disorder in 2023

April is Autism Awareness Month, also referred to as Autism Acceptance Month. April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day. Years ago, the conversation around Autism Spectrum Disorder was much different from what it is currently. Today, there is more open dialogue around Autism and Autistic people. In 2023, programs will be offered to caregivers, there are guides on how to live with Autism, and public places are becoming more accessible to Autistic people.

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