April CEO Message 2022
Greetings AFSPA Family,
Spring is finally here! The transition from winter to spring is always a positive and welcome change. I look, with anticipation, to greener fields, warmer air, and renewed energy. This month, let’s focus on making better decisions for ourselves and our families, beginning with our overall health and well-being.
Warmer Weather Calls Us to Come Out and Play
For those who may have let their health goals slip during the cooler months, the warmer spring weather calls us to start venturing outdoors to get active and start feeling our personal best. If you’re anything like me, I always make the excuse of being “too tired,” but after a long and stressful day, when I take the time to go out for a short walk, I end up feeling refreshed, renewed and in a better mood.
Make it a goal to be more active and even earn wellness rewards along the way. This year, we added a new way to earn wellness rewards called, “Track Your Physical Activity.” Complete 5,000 steps per day or 30 minutes of physical activity per day for any 50 days to earn $25 per quarter, up to $100 per year. Sign up on Aetna’s Secure Member Website. Look for the “Health and Wellness” icon, then select “Discover a Healthier You.”
National Healthcare Decisions Day – April 16
National Healthcare Decisions Day, April 16th, exists to inspire, educate, and empower us about planning for future health needs. This has taken a profound meaning for many people since the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic impacted our lives. This month, take a moment to review and update your healthcare preferences. Have you completed our HIPAA-3 form (used to authorize and disclose protected health information) or an Advance Directive (also known as a living will)? Use this opportunity to talk to your loved ones about your healthcare wishes and document those wishes.
We proudly partner with savvy, trusted experts ready to help you make these important decisions and ensure your legal documents are in order. Visit afspa.org/aip/professionalservices/ to learn more.
2022 Virtual Annual Member Meeting Recap
Thank you to our members who attended our Virtual Annual Member Meeting on March 4th. We were pleased to connect with over 200 members from across the world. We received great feedback from our members and look forward to seeing more of you at next year’s event. If you missed this year’s, you can view the recording here.
Stay up to date on all things AFSPA through our website news, blogs, newsletters, podcast, and social media channels. We cover a ton of interesting topics on all platforms, including our recent and popular Medicare Podcast Series. Look out for the newest edition of our AFSPA In Action spring newsletter coming soon to your mailbox!
Lastly, have you ever heard the saying; Laughter is the best medicine?” April is National Humor Month. Scientific research has proven that humor is a useful tool that heals us emotionally and physically. Laughter helps to relax the body, relieving physical tension and stress and can leave muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes afterwards. I know sometimes a long, hardy laugh session for me almost feels like I’ve had a massage! So, make some time to share a good laugh or two with family, friends, and coworkers.
To Your Health,
Paula S. Jakub, RHU
Executive Director, Senior Living Foundation
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