Dear AFSPA Member,
As Open Season is nearing its end, only two more weeks are left to ensure that your 2024 plan meets your family’s needs for the upcoming year. It is recommended not to wait until the last minute to make any necessary changes. If you are an active-duty employee and decide to change health plans, the benefits of your 2024 plan will take effect on January 14, 2024. However, for retirees and annuitants, the benefits of your 2024 plan will take effect on January 1, 2024. Don’t miss the deadline, and make sure to review your plan before it’s too late! Remember, if you’re already a member of the Foreign Service Benefit Plan (FSBP) and you are happy with your coverage, you do not have to do anything. Your coverage will automatically carry over each year.
New Benefits for 2024
We are thrilled to announce some exciting new programs, benefits, and changes planned for 2024. Our goal is to improve your experience with us and offer you enhanced benefits and services. We were one of only a few plans to expand our infertility benefits in 2023. We are happy to increase those benefits again for 2024. Also, we are upgrading our coverage for chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage therapy visits. Our coverage will now pay up to $75 per visit, which is an increase from the previous $60 per visit. We also are introducing a new mental wellness screening benefit to identify potential challenges or risks early on. Just as we get our annual physical exam to identify any unseen health problems, it’s important to focus on our mental wellness, as almost 25% of adults experience a mental health challenge.
I am very excited to announce a new program called Maven, which offers comprehensive women’s health support throughout fertility, pregnancy, adoption, parenting, pediatrics, perimenopause, and menopause. You can find more details about these updates at
Our new FSBP-Express Scripts Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) is designed for FSBP Medicare-eligible members aged 65 and above. Unlike our Medicare Advantage Plan, also an excellent option, our new PDP does not require enrollment in Medicare Part A and/or B. Eligible members will automatically be enrolled in this PDP plan, but they can opt-out at any time by visiting We’ve received questions from several members asking why we are enrolling them in the PDP. AFSPA is doing this primarily to save members money on their prescriptions. We feel so strongly about the benefit that we auto-enrolled members to make it more convenient for them to save. Most members will see lower copays, BUT we encourage members, especially those who hit the Medicare IRMAA threshold, to DO THE MATH. It is easy to OPT-OUT of the plan. If you choose to opt-out, you will receive the same excellent regular prescription benefits you have now. To learn more about this new plan, you can listen to a recent podcast with AFSPA and Express Scripts here. Kyle Longton, AFSPA’s COO, talked about all things Open Season plus the new PDP in this podcast episode. Learn more about this plan at
Let’s not forget about our very popular FSBP-Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan we introduced earlier this year. This plan offers enhanced benefits for members who have Medicare Parts A and B as their primary coverage and reside in the 50 United States. You can opt into this plan any time during the year, not just Open Season. Opting into the FSBP — Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan is voluntary. If you decide not to opt in, you will continue to be a member of FSBP and receive normal plan benefits. If you change your mind after opting in, you can switch back to your existing FSBP High Option coverage at any time, not just during Open Season. For more information about this plan, visit
To see more 2024 FBSP benefits enhancements or changes, refer to the 2024 FSBP Plan Brochure.
Farewell and Thank You
As I write my final CEO message to all of you, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to serve you for the past 35 years. I want to express my heartfelt thanks for all your well wishes as I embark on my next life journey. It has been an honor and a privilege to lead this organization, and I am confident that you will continue to thrive under the leadership of Kyle Longton and his team.
I hope that my journey inspires you to pursue your own passions and dreams and to always strive for excellence. May you and your loved ones have a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season, and may the future bring you all the success and happiness you deserve.
To Your Health,
Paula S. Jakub, RHU
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