1095-B Tax Form
Please expect to receive the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1095-B starting early March. This form confirms that you had minimal essential coverage in 2020 while you were enrolled in the Foreign Service Benefit Plan (FSBP). The 1095-B form is not needed to file your tax return, but it should be kept in your 2020 tax file. If you have any questions, please email enrollment@afspa.org.
Member Experience and Satisfaction Survey
To ensure we are providing the best member experience, FSBP works with a National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) certified vendor to administer an annual member experience and satisfaction survey to a random selection of members. This type of survey is one of health care’s most widely used performance improvement tools in evaluating effectiveness of care, access/availability of care, timeliness of service, and speed and accuracy of claims processing.
When answering the questions, please think about your experience from a stateside perspective. Select members will receive the survey by mid-February via postal mail. The data collected will help us serve you better and help improve your overall experience when getting access to care.
Thank you for your cooperation. Take care and stay safe.
To Your Health,
Paula S. Jakub, RHU
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