Call us for any questions

(202) 833-4910

From the CEO

Greetings and Welcome to July 2019! That means summer is in full swing. This warmer season brings picnics, hiking, outdoor sports, and long-awaited vacations.

AFSPA is Opening Late

Due to inclement weather and following the decision by the Office of Personnel Management, AFSPA will open on a delayed schedule today, Wednesday, January 30, 2019.

Dominion National Data Breach

Notice from Dominion National received today, Friday June 21, 2019: Please read and refer any questions to the Dominion National incident response team at the telephone number bolded below.

American Medical Collection Agency (AMCA) Breach

American Medical Collection Agency (AMCA), a third-party collections group that works with a number of health care entities in the U.S., revealed earlier this week that it had experienced a data breach of its customer payment site.

From the CEO

Welcome to Summer 2019! By now, you should have received your Spring AFSPA in Action Newsletter in your mailbox.

From the CEO

Greetings and welcome to May 2019! I can’t believe we are in the second quarter of the year.

From the CEO

Greetings and Welcome to April 2019! As Spring brings new beginnings and thoughtful reflections, I feel privileged to serve more than 82,000 American Foreign Service Protective Association (AFSPA) members every day.