Call us for any questions

(202) 833-4910

From the CEO

Greetings and Welcome to February 2019! The new year is well underway, and the December holidays are but a memory. Now it’s time to focus on what we want to accomplish in 2019.

AFSPA is Closing Early

Due to inclement weather and following the decision by the Office of Personnel Management, AFSPA will be closing at 2:30PM today, Tuesday January 29, 2019.

AFSPA will Open Late 1/15/19

Due to inclement weather and following the decision by the Office of Personnel Management, AFSPA will open on a delayed schedule on Tuesday, January 15, 2019.

From the CEO

Happy New Year! Welcome to all our new enrollees who chose the Foreign Service Benefit Plan (FSBP) during Open Season.