Advanced Estate Planning Strategies

This session covers the five-step estate planning process along with different types of trusts, portability of exemption of spouses, and more.

College Funding Methods

Piggy bank with coins and graduation hat

Paying for college is one of the major financial decisions you will face in life. This session will provide strategies to save for college, including 529 College Savings Plans and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts.

FSBP Open Season Webinar – 11/13 @ 12pm

Join AFSPA COO, Kyle Longton, as he gives you an overview of the FEHB Open Season, OPM’s 2024 initiatives, and 2024 benefit enhancements of the Foreign Service Benefit Plan. He will be available to answer your Open Season and general plan questions at the end.

FSBP Open Season Webinar – 11/13 @ 6am

Join AFSPA COO, Kyle Longton, as he gives you an overview of the FEHB Open Season, OPM’s 2024 initiatives, and 2024 benefit enhancements of the Foreign Service Benefit Plan. He will be available to answer your Open Season and general plan questions at the end.

High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol: The Slow and Silent Killers

We hear about high blood pressure and high cholesterol all the time. Many of us have it, or know someone who does. Tune in to this webinar to understand just what it is and why it’s bad. Learn the latest tips to prevent it and all the cutting-edge treatments.

Men’s Health and Wellness: From Hormones to Headphones

This presentation will discuss common conditions affecting men’s health such as low-testosterone, prostate cancer, mental wellness, heart disease, hearing loss, and colon cancer.  It will also emphasize ways to stay healthy, including general screening tests, immunizations, nutrition and fitness.

Financial Wellness Check Ups

AFSPA Members: Your dedicated Prudential Pathways Financial Professional is available for 30-minute Financial Wellness Checkups to review your current financial situation and to help you navigate future financial challenges with confidence. They will be available between 9am – 4pm ET. 

Financial Self Care for Women

This seminar will cover important topics like identifying top money concerns, protecting your greatest assets, developing a money mindset and a plan for you and more. We offer this webinar in three separate sessions, 8 am, 1 pm, and 6 pm ET.

Women’s Health: What’s There to See in 2023?

Join us on Wednesday, March 29th, at 12:00 p.m. ET for a webinar discussion on women’s health. Our special guest presenter, Dr. Courtney Lockhart, MD, Ph.D., will discuss the top health issues facing women today.